Your Health and Life Sciences department prepares students for success in occupations ranging from nurse practitioners and biomedical engineers, to exercise physiologists, pharmacists and physical therapists. Bolster the hands-on learning and preparation your school focuses on with best-in-class services and products from Cintas that can help strengthen your academic environment even further.
Promote safety in your department with protective lab coat laundering. Plus, our comprehensive garment program takes care of all your laundering and restocking, so your staff and students always have clean scrubs and lab coats in the right sizes.
With ever-advancing innovations in sustainable and effective products, we help you keep every corner of your building clean and welcoming to all visitors. Our scheduled service visits include solutions chosen by you to create a custom program.
Help your school stay prepared with Cintas. Our scheduled service visits include keeping your first aid cabinets well-stocked with the products you choose, your Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) delivered, and your eyewash stations professionally serviced and ready to use.